Is it Time to Rethink How You’re Managing Information?

2020-02-07 18:33:41.0 by Alyssa Putzer

Sometimes we don’t realize that what we’ve been doing isn’t ideal until we take a good, hard look at it. In this case, we’re talking about information management. Many companies have spent years managing their data in certain ways, even if it’s inefficient and cumbersome. Why? Because it’s comfortable and familiar. However, in this day and age of information technology and innovation, comfortable and familiar doesn’t cut it.

Today’s best-in-class organizations are taking advantage of technology like paperless automation/document management, like MetaViewer, with Robotic Process Automation (RPA) functionality to handle their workflows and data more effectively. However, there are plenty of companies still using legacy systems and inefficient processes to manage data.

If you’re not using a document management/paperless automation solution, here’s how you may be managing your processes:

  • Collecting invoices and other documents in the mail or having to print them when they arrive electronically.
  • Play the back-and-forth game, passing documents from desk to desk based on your current approval rules.
  • Make copies of invoices and other documents and file them away in storage boxes and filing cabinets in that crowded (and kind of creepy) storage room in the basement. The room where documents go to die.
  • Stringing together multiple legacy systems, which may include homegrown document management solutions and ERPs to manage transactions.
  • Information makes it into your electronic filing system through manual data entry. A lot of manual data entry.

How can you fix these paper-based problems caused by poor process management? Document management/paperless automation.

The right paperless automation/document management solution gives you full visibility, increased efficiency, employee satisfaction and substantial return on investment (ROI). Document management/paperless automation with built-in RPA functionality fixes:

  • Areas of your business that are under-performing
  • Areas of your business that have inconsistent or non-standardized processes
  • Areas of your business where employees aren’t performing up to their potential because they’re too busy with manual, repetitive tasks
  • Areas of your business where processes are high-volume
  • Areas of your business where processes are (or could be) rule-based
  • Areas of your business that are prone to human error
  • Areas of your business where Microsoft Dynamics ERPs are utilized

Think about your current processes and procedures. Are you thinking about them? Now rethink them and consider what they could look like when they’re automated with paperless automation/document management. We think they’re looking pretty good!

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