Digital Transformation in a Time of Crisis

2020-05-22 19:39:28.0 by Alyssa Putzer

During times of crisis, like the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s natural to think that digital transformation would be put on the back-burner. Employees are already overwhelmed with major adjustments in both their personal and professional lives – how could they possibly fathom a transition in technology, too?

According to The Enterprisers Project, the opposite is actually true. Times of crisis are the best times to drive change, especially digital change. Why? Because many companies are finding that enhanced technology can actually help them adapt to the other changes faster and easier, and we think this is especially true when it comes to adopting automation technology.

So why is digital transformation adoption increasing in the wake of COVID-19?

  • Employees are working from home. Even companies that were resistant to allowing employees to work remotely have been forced to allow them to work from home, and this has sparked the need for enhanced technology to make their work doable from their new home offices.
  • There’s an increased need for telehealth and telemedicine. One amazing development that has come out of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the ability for healthcare workers to interact with, diagnose and treat patients remotely and without any physical contact. This has been vital in order to protect frontline workers from contracting the virus while still helping patients, and technology is allowing them to do that.
  • Homeschooling is the new normal. Today, parents have become teachers and teachers have become drivers of E-learning. The need to continue educating students, even with schools closed, has increased the need for technology to allow schools, universities and colleges to go virtual.
  • Events and entertainment don’t need to stop just because people can’t attend. Ride a Disney theme park ride, attend a concert, visit a museum… remotely! Organizations are utilizing digital technology to continue to provide entertainment and events for folks all of us who are stuck at home. This allows them to stay top-of-mind so that they will continue to attract tourists and attendees when the world opens up again and provides a much-needed entertainment option for fans.

Now is not the time to put your digital transformation efforts on hold. In fact, now is the time to accelerate them! Your employees will thank you and you’ll be one step ahead from competitors who have not used this time to enhance their technology.

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